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What to Plant

What To Plant

Annuals/Bedding Plants: Dianthus, petunias, snapdragons and a few other late season winter, early spring annuals flourish Start planning on planting warm-season annuals such as angelonia, wax begonia, vinca, penta, zinnia and others at the end of March and into April. Remember annual bedding areas need a good soil conditioner, organic fertilizers, and mulching.

  • Bulbs: Plant dahlia, canna, caladium,and gloriosa bulbs for spring and summer flowering. Provide stakes as needed to support growth. We don’t plant bulbs normally but we would be happy to work with you by request.
  • Herbs: Consider growing edible ginger. Plant annual herbs like mint, oregano, basil, rosemary shrubs, sage, tarragon, chives, garlic this month. We can offer design and installation costs.
  • Vegetables: Begin planting warm-season crops, such as beans, tomatoes, squash, and corn, early in the month for late spring harvest. Protect from frost. We can help you install your raised square foot garden for your next crop.
  • Azaleas: Prune azaleas when they have finished blooming to reduce their size and improve their form.
  • Camellias: Prune Camellias when they have finished blooming to reduce their size and improve their form.
  • Ornamental Shrubs: Prune when the dormant season ends and new growth begins. Spring flush may push a foot or more over the next month. Cut shrubs back before the flush to keep the new growth from getting away from you.
  • Ornamental Grasses: If you have not already, prune ornamental grasses back now that we are through the threat of last freeze. Cut back as far as you wish above the collar. If you want to know the best wat to manage these grasses during the season, our maintenance team is here to help.
  • Ferrtilize Palms, ornamental trees, and shrubs: Fertilize palms with Tree spikes formulated specially for palm requirements such and supplemented with manganese and magnesium, azaleas & camellias (acid forming fertilizer), and other ornamental shrubs if needed. Choose a fertilizer in which at least 30% of its nitrogen is slow release, a good source of Iron, and over 50% slow release, urea or sulfur coated fertilizer with a 1:1:1 ratio. As about taking soil samples for pH and nutrient requirements in your bedding areas.
  • Irrigation: Check your sprinkler system for problems such as broken or misaligned spray heads. Check pumps and back flows for leaks and hairline cracks; check your coverage and make sure water is landing on the green stuff, and not the hard stuff; Water deep, water less frequent; Water so plants and grass use water in the daylight. If you need help, we are already working just up the road.
  • Landscaping: Don’t puit off that big landscape job. Don’t spend yor taxes on dinner, you only see it twice. Invest it on aesthetics, upgrades, and adding value to your home.