Orange Beach Landscaping & Landscape Design and Outdoor Lighting Company

Welcome to The Wallace Company, your source for professional Orange Beach landscaping services from expert landscapers. Whether you are looking for irrigation services or drainage solutions, lawn maintenance, landscape design assistance, or some other type of landscaping service, you can count on our Our Orange Beach landscapers to take care of it for you. After all, The Wallace Company is a full service landscaping company in Orange Beach, AL. That means we do it all – maintenance, design, installation – residential and commercial. We don’t think any project is too small or too large for our professional Orange Beach landscaping contractors – and you shouldn’t either! If you need landscaping services, just give us a call to discuss the details. We’ll do all the rest!
The Wallace Company: making it easy to have a lush, beautiful landscape since 1973.
Orange Beach Landscape Design
You may think you have it down – you know exactly what plants and trees you want, what type of pavers to use for the patio, where the pergola will go … the whole “nine yards” so to say. But then you start installing all these landscaping elements and suddenly you realize, nothing’s quite coming together like you had envisioned it. Don’t worry. With The Wallace Company we take all this and more into account to help you create the perfect landscape design for your property – and yourself! We don’t just come up with a great looking yard for you – we take all your preferences into consideration while addressing various issues with expert planning and skillful implementation. You’ll find that our Orange Beach landscape design specialists are talented professionals that can turn your landscaping ideas into a reality. All you have to do is give us a call!

Orange Beach Landscaping Maintenance
Likewise, we’re here to help you keep your Orange Beach landscaping investment looking nourished and lush season after season with our professional landscaping maintenance services. Whatever troubles your turf is having, you can count on our lawn maintenance experts to find a solution. We’re professionals for a reason!
Orange Beach Outdoor Kitchens
A great way to take advantage of your landscape design is to incorporate enjoyable outdoor living spaces that make it easy to transition from the interior of your home to the exterior. For example, hardscapes such as patios and outdoor kitchens are a great way to make your landscape design feel more like home. Adding elements like retaining walls, sitting walls, fire pits, or outdoor fireplaces are other additions you may want to consider for your landscaping project. Let our Orange Beach landscaping professionals reveal all the options available to you so you can take full advantage of your lawn’s potential. You may be surprised to see what our experts come up with!